Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Go HERE to enter for a chance to win a FREE BABY STROLLER with a value of almost $400! Well, $395 to be exact.

The sponsor is giving away a Smart Bundle Stroller that is a combination of a baby stroller, peanut bassinet and the verso adapter. In case you don't have a clue what a verso adapter might be (I know that I didn't) it is a nifty gadget that lets you reverse the seat so that the baby inside the stroller faces you. I know there have been many times that that little feature would have been very handy when I had a fussy, teething baby out for a stroll!

There is one and ONLY one way to enter to win the FREE Phil & Teds stroller giveaway and that is to sign up for the host's newsletter.

This free baby stroller giveaway contest will close Friday, March 4, 2011 (03/04/2011) at 7:00 pm EST so buzz on over and sign up for their newsletter and Good luck everybody!

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